Saturday, October 27, 2012

DIY Daily Shower Spray

Most household cleaning products are full of harsh synthetic chemicals complete with warning labels, but did you know that you can replace almost all of your household cleaners with just a few ingredients that you probably already have around your house?  It's true!!  You'll even end up saving money!

The first cleaner I made myself was a daily shower spray.  I liked the idea of daily shower spray, but it smelled particularly insidious to me.  When I used to use a store bought brand, I would literally hold my breath while I sprayed it, try not to touch it or get it on me, and place a towel over my nose and mouth when I stepped out of the shower, gasping for breath because I hated the smell so much.  Then I decided to try making my own.

As usual, I scoured the internet reading several DIY recipes and settling on a combination that I am pleased with.  It's super easy and economical.

You'll need:
  • 2 parts water
  • 1 part white vinegar
  • 1 part rubbing alcohol
  • 1 tsp liquid castile (optional, not pictured)
  • tea tree oil for its antiseptic qualities
  • other essential oils for scent - lemon and eucalyptus are great for cleaning, but I also like the freshness of peppermint, rosemary, and lavender together.  Whatever you prefer!

If you strongly dislike the smell of vinegar, you could use hydrogen peroxide instead.  Just be sure to use an opaque container, as hydrogen peroxide degrades quickly when exposed to light.  Don't replace the rubbing alcohol with peroxide, however, because when you mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide a chemical reaction takes place and you end up with an unstable liquid called peracetic acid.

I simply rinsed and reused my shower spray container, and I usually use my bathroom cup and a funnel I keep in my bathroom to mix up a batch of this or that.  Fast, inexpensive, better for you, and I'm completely satisfied with its performance!  More DIY cleaning recipes coming soon!

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